Thursday, February 07, 2008

Following God's Cure and Following Conviction

I'm busy following God's cure. It is following conviction. I will be lead through difficult circumstances but I know that God is right beside me. He is gentle and he is kind. Right now I feel like he is allowing me to put off something I need to do because he knows I'm not in the right mind or the right heart to do it yet. It is kind of him. I know it isn't an indefinate thing but it is the right thing for now. I'll grow strong in the mean time.

There are still a bunch of steps that I need to take before I reach the end of the road I'm following. I thought this step was one I wanted to take tonight but it isn't. At least I know what these steps are. I did not really see it clearly. Or rather feel the direction for things to go. This is all being done on faith. It will end the day that it isn't.

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