Saturday, October 18, 2008

It is finished!

Christ said "It is finished." What did He mean by it? Did He mean His ministry? Did He mean His life? Did He mean His atonement? Did it mean a great deal of things? Or did it mean all of these things. It seems so unclear to what extent things were finished. I think people often overlook the full meaning of this phrase. It is much more absolute.

"It is finished" comes from one Greek word. "tetelestai". It means everything is complete, perfect, accomplished in full. The consequences will endure. It has come to an end. The word also was used the same way we use "paid in full." Christ has paid our debt completely. There is no contractual obligation left to the law. Yet, the word in its most appropriate sense can be found in the context of the section. Tetelestai is used twice. John 19:28. The parallel should seen "After this, when Jesus knew that all things were now completed, in order that the scripture might be fulfilled, he said, ‘I thirst.'"

His last obligation was towards scripture. In asking for a drink. It is thus according to the eternal word of scripture that all is complete. Nothing else is said to be so complete not even Creation itself.

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