Monday, May 14, 2007

TULIP or was it UPLIT

I came across a forum that was researching the history of the mnemonic TULIP. Appearantly, it is a new invention (circa 1932) perhaps by Boettner or some other preacher around that time. It became popular in the 1970s. TULIP was just called the five points before this time.

They were often known by different names too.
T- was Total inability, Human depravity, or Radical depravity.
U- was sovereign election or unconditional predestination.
L- was definite atonment or particular redemption.
I- was efficacious grace or invincible grace.
P- was always the same name.

The five points were often presented in different orders. ULTIP was what Spurgeon used. Dordt has them all over in each section, Starting with TUP. It is in no way monolithic. I much prefer explaining calvinism without Tulip. I shall exposite what I see is a good way of introducing calvinism outside of a polemic or contrast.

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