Christ died for the Church made up of individual believers. Furthermore, he died for actual people, literal people whom he foreknew. The Bible does not talk about Christ dieing to give God the ability to forgive based on man's free will or based on external church membership. This is all well and good. I would perhaps still love God if he said such but it is just not there.
It does not talk about Christ dieing so that people can reject him or save themselves when confronted with the gospel. This would also appear good but that is not what is actually said. The Bible rather says that Christ is a stumbling block, because they are too blind to see it. It tells of a God who open eyes and open hearts. It also tells of a sacrifice that actually does the work at forgiving sin. Rather than a sacrifice that just make it possible. This idea of only a potential sacrifice or partially effective sacrifice destroys worth of what was offered. Christs blood is of infinite worth.
The Bible rathers says that Christ dies to save unbelieving enemies of the cross. People are saved by grace, unmerited favor. Through faith (That is the avenue of that grace). It is not of our own doing. For, We are God's workmanship. People cherry-pick Ephesians 2 to say that salvation is by faith. This is true but it is rather by grace received -through- faith. That is the avenue of that grace. Let us not consider if Ephesians implies that faith and grace are both gifts or just grace. The gospel is something one must receive. They do this by faith. Yet, One cannot even receive anything unless he is given it in heaven. John 3:27
I would be ok with Christ dieing to give God the ability to forgive men based on their choice. The Bible does not present this view. It talks of Him dieing to actually save. It is his act of dieing that saves and pays our debt to God. It is not our choice that makes his death worthwhile. However rosy this alternative is, it is not true. I cannot say that Christ's death is worthless in even the smallest circumstance. God accomplishes what he intends. Some might counter that all are saved. I certainly believe that God did not intend for Christ to save all but it would have been possible. Faith is the avenue through which salvation comes to a person by grace. One is not saved without it. Not all have faith.
Someone else might counter that God is not loving to damn people to hell. Well how so, men are getting what the deserve. The great multitude that is saved are getting what they don't deserve.
I would be ok with it if God let us choose. The bible does not present this view. Many reject the idea of one is rather chosen or elect by God. Some distort the plain meaning of election to say that this means mean we choose. Since when did our election of public officials consist of them electing themselves? Greek work -Elektos.- One does not elect themselves to an office. Election never meant that. How can God's electing purpose really be our electing purpose? I would be ok if God did not institute election per se but that is what the Bible says he did.
Even without election atonement would be limited. It is self-destructive to attack limit atonement. Arminian atonement is limited, albeit differently more than universalism or calvinism. If it was a hypothetically universal atonement in which everyone could gain salvation, it is limited in potential because man's choice. Even if it isn't limited by scope, its limited. Furthermore, even if everyone conditionally chose, 'yes' and gained salvation. (Or was granted it without the necessity of belief. As a universalist would claim.) It is limited in scope because the creation is such limited! Christs death is limited anyways!!!! All atonement by nature is limited to a number less than infinity. Only God is infinite! Now why should one believe that Christ's atonement is limited in scope and potential. When his blood is of infinite worth. I propose that it is of infinite worth toward the end he wishes. That meaning, towards a particular people to save.
The question is how did He save? It is pretty clear in my mind and that of the Bible. The answer is that God choose to pay our sin with the death of Christ. Not purchase himself a liberty. Not purchase himself an indefinite number of people from which, there was a possibility that no one would ever be save. The battle must be on how he saves, not the limit of who God saves. He does it individually. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Limited Atonement
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8:15 PM
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