Lets look at Isaiah 8:18-20 "Behold, I and the children whom the lord had given me are for signs and wonders in Israel from the lord of hosts, who dwells on mount Zion, And when they say to you. 'consult the mediums and the spiritualists who whisper and mutter,' should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because they have no dawn..." NASB (a curse is then given as the passage concludes into chapter 9.)
My understanding/paraphrase:
"Behold the salvation of God and his children who the Lord has elected for signs and wonders in the church by God who is in heaven. Some ask you to consult occultic things. Should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living? To the teachings (of God, law or christ) and to the testimony (of prophets or Isaiah(God's salvation) about such.) If they do not speak according to this word, they have not any light. (not enlightened)"
First point- it denies that the dead should be consulted on behalf of the living. It seems that dead saints should not be consulted either, even to help intercede. God has answers. Consult him. God intercedes, consult him for help. Not the dead. Catholic prayers for the saints, no more please. God may use unfit means to bless if it is done in faith. Yet, This does not mean that one should ride a horse backwards to get anywhere. How much more will he bless means that are fit to be blessed! No popery please.
Second point- God can be consulted. And when he is, the outcome is from two things; Teachings/law and his testimonies. Teachings/law can essentially can be curtailed as the Written Word of God without much objection. Next, the testimony is Isaiah's own (Vs16) particularly, chapter 8 but not only chapter 8 because it contains Christ typology.
Third, if one was to speak according to this word, they have dawn. What they say must be true according to the testimony and teachings. This always meant the Bible and the prophets for Israel! Not the majesterium or line of the church. One can hardly speak otherwise. Sorry Catholics again.
Fouth, the context seems to be about spiritual divination and unusual means used for communing with God. This is important because it seems to be addressing means other than study of law and teaching in which God can be known. This verse begs to ask "should not a people consult their God." Followed by, "if they speak not according to this word, it is because they have no dawn." Conversion has this kind of symbolism of light. Conversion is linked to the holy spirit. It is linked to a personal relationship. There is always communication in such a relationship. Consulting God in person and being taught of God are integral to this passage.
Fourth, God can communicate in means other than just the particular illumination of scripture. The word is to be magnified in preaching for sure. Don't get me wrong. God communicates through his providence also, according to his word. It does not limit the means but only the substance. This allows other communication with God outside of written word. It allows prophecy and discerning the actions of the holy spirit. From personal experience, I would say that this communication is often through prayer or a prayerful mind, not prophetic visions. From personal experience, it does not exclude these either.
This is almost "lesser prophecy" or direct communication from God. One can know the mind of the spirit by 'carefully' searching one's heart. Romans 8. This nullifies many arguments used for greater prophecy. (the spiritual gift) Some say that what is communicated back in prayer has less substance than the Word. This is to argue about its strength rather than the substance of its existence. One may argue about its accuracy or precision too. The same issue arise in real prophecy as the ones that arise from knowing anything that God communicates back to us. He has not left us alone. He has not let us unanswered. The communication from God in prayer and prophecy is just as concrete as the Word, even if we don't have ears to hear.
The very causes of this two-way communication are direct graces from God. It is not necessarily a "God laid it upon my heart. etc." kind of deal. I must say that this is sometimes quite particular. It fits in line with Isaiah 30:21. "and your ears will hear a word behind you, 'This is the way, walk in it,' whenever you turn to the right or to the left." It is hardly a nebuluous desire but a concrete command and instruction.
Fifth, This verse also seems to imply that God is worth asking! I am not saying anything extravagent. What I am saying is that christ has reconciled Man to God. We have confidence and boldness to approach the throne of grace by way of the cross. Let us not shrink back but draw near to God. The cross itself suggests that God will hear and answer our needs and requests! God is alive and real. He is not dead nor imaginary. Let us hold fast to our confidence and ask knowing that he shall grant us everything necessary for faith. Let us ask these things according to the will of God.
[On a side note, This does not mean asking questions about God motives. Let us not be like Job. Our motives here, too often betray us in asking the questions. They can easily attack God's infinite wisdom. This is sin even in the slightest. It needs to be repented of. Let's not question God about his secret council, not even about events in the present. This is far more common. I doubt God will answer such an inquiry anway. Be like Job and say "I shut my mouth". I know this from experience all to well. ]
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Communication with God
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3:40 PM
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