I have previously written about the non-creation of evil. This does not mean that it has no existence. We continuously deal with it. I find myself relying more and more on the blood of Christ alone to cure it. I do not see any other option.
I have said before that evil cannot stand up to good. Yet, we must recognize the same thing as Jesus. No one is good but the Father. He must be the source of our goodness. The promise for such is born within the blood of Christ. This blood speaks a better word that the blood of Adam flowing through our veins. It speaks a better word than the blood of Abel covering our hands.
Christ's blood must also become our very life. The breath of God (nefas) or our soul, was made to reside in the blood. I take this to figuratively mean that our souls must reside in the blood of Christ to live. Adam's blood is not pure. Our union with Christ is one based on blood. Our new lives have not been fully revealed yet they are ours. These lives are 'treasured up'/hidden/stored up in Christ. Apart from Christ we are cut off. It is the root who gives nutrients through fluid to the leaves or the will wither and die. It is the sun who causes plants to grow. The same connectedness is that which we have with Christ.
At times, it is hard to see how far we are from yesterday because of sin. Yet, we are not any farther from perfection than we were Yesterday. I ask myself what has changed on God's part. The answer 'Nothing' does not seem to satisfy me. I try to ask myself what is wrong with me. I find out that it is everything. I ask for change, just for its own sake, but find it slow coming. I seek to kill sin, while I am still too infatuated with its false warmth to do anything. I feel the weight of condemnation and wonder if I am carrying a cross or I am carrying the hammer to drive the nails. to break the knees out of malice that need not be broken for Christ's death.
If it be a cross, I know that I aught to pick up it as a criminal and take it to calvary as a saint. I know that I can be relieved of this burden. No other way. Yet, the cross often lays right where I left it. If only I would return sooner. Oh how I would see myself free in Christ sooner. Oh how I wish that I didn't participate in killing Christ. Yet, it is something all men do with crosses or hammers.
In this effort may I die with Christ, Oh Lord. So that I may be raised with Him in the next life. Evil shall then be no more. The temple in heaven looks east. This is a sign that it is watching for the Son to rise and shine in all its glory. The night is almost gone and the son is already shining. We can see rays off in the distance over the mountain tops of thy Word. Bring forth more radience onto your people and your land. Remove us from this domain of darkness that plagues your lands for we are the kingdom of light. Deliever us from temptation and ransack the works of the devil.Let us be justified by your blood. Let us grasp the promises of your blood. Let us reside in your blood Christ Jesus. It offers us an eternal home and rest. Send to us godliness which is 'heaven on earth'. Let evil be put under your feet as a footstool for your saints and your kingdom. Have this happen not a moment too soon!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
End To Evil
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10:39 PM
Saturday, December 09, 2006
The Nature of Evil, part III
Darkness cannot defeat the light. The light always shines in darkness. No purpose of God will return to him void. The same principle applies to Good and Evil. Evil can only exist with permission. It can only exists in the absence of good.
How does something without substance prevent something that does? If the universe was duelistic, evil would to have substance too. This is not the case. How can something like darkness prevent light. How can things that are cold prevent heat? They cannot. Evil cannot prevent good. This is seen over and over. Good is fully capable of circumventing evil. This is on full display on the cross. Good claims every victory from any battle. It matters only on the intent of God in such. This intent and council of God is inscruitable till judgment. We cannot see what God purposes on the whole as it is still being worked out.
Now, Grace is something with substance coming forth from God. Grace is real and abiding. Furthermore, much can be said about a link between grace and life as well as new creation. These things have substance. It would be ridiculous to assume that it does not have substance. To allow a grace an option of defeat, is to say that grace has no substance. It is to say that it is on the same plane of existence as evil. It relies upon the good already existing for its own existence. Yet, what good is in existence when it was brought to nothing by evil? I cannot say something without substance was purchased christ's infinite worth in blood. I cannot say that grace is without substance when Christ's himself is the source of all substance and being.
This returns me to what 1 Corinthians said. "But by his doing you are in Christ." God has become such and such for us. He is becomes our source of being as we acknowledge our own deaths. Then accepted our lives raised in him. God himself and his goodness are invincible in such actions.
Posted by
11:50 AM
The Nature of Evil, part 2
Man has their source and being within God. I believe that 'being' itself has something good in it even for those who perish in hell. It is like: "It is to better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all." but for life. It is the very breath of God that gives life in his act of creation. This breath remained entirely good until corruption came. The breath or this soul retains all the goodness in the image of God but not in being and nature. Evil would not be what it is if it did not constantly invent ways to lie about the image of the incorruptible God that we bear even still. We are guilty for such continual deceit. God cannnot allow such to continue without judgment.
Evil's main purpose at every turn is to profane the image of God that is retained. It is from this evil sought and corrupted all of mankind completely. We are to be images bearers of God but we would now rather paint over his picture with obscenities and abominations. God cannot rightly cannot stand for such hostility toward himself. We are guilty for being rebels by nature and trying to kill God himself.
Every created thing was made weak and susceptible to corruption. This would have been ok had not corruption taken root. This corruption reaches far into whatever good remained and turned it black. No island remains untouched. Evil would assault the image and person of God Himself if it had any substance to do so. God took on flesh was crucified by evil. Evil and death tried to kill the very source of being and life but things without substance could not keep Christ down.
Like Augustine, I believe that evil has no real substance. God did not make it. One can be good without evil being there. Yet, one cannot be evil without something good and the corruption of something good. Light can exist without darkness. Darkness needs the absence of light to exists. Heat can exist without cold. Cold cannot exist, or be defined, without heat. Absolute Zero is defined by the lack of heat (atomic vibration). These cannot defined by themselves. Evil is like this.
Somethings exists because they are virtues in and of themselves. They exist without aid. Other things exist merely because they lack these vitrues. Evil is such. It is a parasite that requires something that was created good and with being in order to live. Augustine went as far sin was an act of uncreation and the taking away of good.
This begs to question. How can something that has no substance stand up to something that does have? It is clear here that Darkness can only persist by God allowing it. Corinthians seems to answer "the why and to what end."
Evil is but a "base thing of the world and the despised, God has chosen, the things that are not, so that He may bring to nothing that are. So that no man may boast before God. But by -His doing- you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption, so that, just as it is written, "LET HIM WHO BOASTS, BOAST IN THE LORD." (1 corinthians 1:28-31). Evil is to destroy the present so that by Grace everything will be summed up in Christ.
Furthermore, creation and continued existance cannot be evil since they themselves are good. God shall show such on Judgment day. No hardship or suffering can out do the goodness of life itself. Evil may try to multiple these ills but life is a greater gift. This itself will cause every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess God in all his attributes on judgment day.
It was kindness that Adam was not judged and killed in the Garden. God had the right but his lovingkindness continued. Spiritually dead men have the fires of hell lit by the kindnesses of God in their present life. Wraith is when these kindnesses depart. Eternal Wraith is where everything but one's eternal soul and substance is destroyed.
For the redeemed, Evil is present so that our hope, our boasts, our wisdom, our sanctification, our righteousness, our redemption, and our very life and our very being remain in the Lord. And not of ourselves.
Part III Grace invincible.
Posted by
12:04 AM
Friday, December 08, 2006
The Nature of Evil, part 1
Do you know what the worst book ever is? Moby Dick hands down.
Long, boring, and blasphemous.
It beats out The House on Mango Street by just a little. A character getting raped by a Clown is not quite as bad as attacking God who symbolically is the white whale in the Moby Dick. Ahab is symbolically man. A man who is revenge filled at striking back at God for causing him to fall. The whale was following the ship the whole time. The author calls this malice on the whale's part.
It demonizes the whale so that no one cannot sympathize for it. He makes God into a monster who he says is all the more evil because it appears white. One can only question if they should sympathize for Ahab. You are left with a mixed impression. It attacks the idea of man creating the human race and condemning the majority of it (for their sin). The book attacks original sin, the right of God for judgment, calvinism, fatalism, and power/control of God over man.
Did you know that 'Moby Dick' is a Unitarian book in disguise?
If the relationship between God and Man was rightly described in this book. Ahab would be striking out against the very ship he was standing on. See part two for a response.
Posted by
10:53 PM
Thursday, November 30, 2006
World Missions, III, Persecution
About 200 million Christians in the world are exposed to religions persecution. In 60 countries. North Korea is the worst offender. It is one of the top three crimes to be a Christian there. They will imprison you, then run you over with a steam roller (because bullets=money) as you family watches and screams, they will blow your brains out on a child's playground as the children watch on, and as if this was not bad enough they place your children into prison camps for life because of your crime. Oh yeah, not just your children but your grandchildren too. Not even Stalin or Hitler punished crimes by punishing sucessive generations of people.
Furthermore, a good amount of Chinese persecution happens on behalf of N. Korea. The other portion of persecution in China is directed toward the democratic movement that is closely related to Christian movement. (Maybe because of Westernism in the movement.) The Chinese try to preempt it with state run churches that unfortunately present mainly a social gospel. Only 20% of the Christians attend these packed state run churches. They prefer house churches. From large numbers of people in house churches, the Chinese government can freely raid the Christian places of worship if they wish. The pastor of the church just has to look at someone funny. They must also keep the bribes flowing.
Europe is getting more closed to Christianity. The socialist agenda is atheistic but at its core immoral. Christians there know that and try to homeschool. Some cannot by law or their children are removed from them by social workers. This is a problem in Germany. Thus pornographic material of the whole sex act is shown in fourth grade, Sex is described as fun, sensuality is openly encouraged if not promoted by 'relaxation' techniques in school, Darwin is taught as fact, and homosexuality is considered perfectly normal. This is by no way exhaustive of how degenerate the public schools are there. One only needs to look at European television to know what the culture is about now.
Finally the other area of the world that is closed to missions is the Islamic world. Islamic countries tend to kill new converts. IT IS IN THEIR QURAN!!! To allow freedom of religion is to cause death to Islam. This means Shia law violates human rights. They will present a more difficult majority to covert than communist and atheistic Asians who are yearning for spirituality.
These people need our prayers as much as our own country does.
Posted by
10:13 PM
World Missions, Part 2, Africa

Posted by
9:16 PM
So what is up with the world missions?
It seems that the greatest missionary work of the last 50 years has almost gone unnoticed.
-Since when did 40% of South Koreans start to claim they are Christian?
-Since when did 25% of South Koreans say they regularly attened church services?
-Since when did South Korea become the second leader in the world for sending out evangelical missionaries?
-Since when did 60-80 million Chinese start attending a Christian church?
-Since when did Chinese Christianity become one of the few religions in China projected to very rapid growth over the next few decades. (At least doubling in 5%-10% maybe 15% if current trends hold.)
-Since when did Christian conversion in Africa outpace the historically established Islam?
-Since when did (the 'non-evangelical') Reformed Protestant Christianity become so popular in Asia? (Certainly the Calvinists weren't twiddling their thumbs like many try to claim they do. Over half the world was evangelized by Reformed Protestants.)
The centers of the Christian world will change rapidly over the next few decades. Out of Europe, perhaps the US, and into the Third World and Asia. They will no longer be Geneva, Wittenburg, Westminister, Moody Bible College (Jokingly of course), and Rome but Seoul, Beijing, Rio De Janero, Johannesburg, Mexico City, and Nairobi.
In all of this there is one trend of this growth. It is not by imperialism or british colonialism. This kind of evangelizing has hurt Christianity. Much of the good evangelism was done despite British colonialism. Missionaries that would go and actually live among the people were the most sucessful. Missionaries that would actually culturally become those people. Christianity cannot be spread by force and imperialism unlike other religions *islam*cough*. Furthermore, it is not primarily in the work of foreign missionaries. The growth is from the churches that are already over there. It is the work of the churches, that were planted which have taken root, to convert their nation. We must be ever ready and willing to help.
Christianity in these places has not become a foreign religion but a religion to them of both soil and culture which was meant for them in particular. Christianity is able to appeal to all people. Not to make all people Westerners. We do not need to impose a western culture as the norm in these missionary areas but we do need to ensure that the Gospel itself remains consistent no matter what cultural lens is applied. We need for these churches to see that real christian culture is at times complementary to their own.
The Christian religion is booming in areas of eastern Asia because it is seen as much more homegrown. This is because these people view Asian Christianity as complentary to the strong Confusician philosophies that grips their culture. These philosophies include family acting as units and absolute respect being due to authority.
In this, they know they have fallen short of this respect toward the Lord of heaven or the highest ruler who is over all. They know that he has a right to call them to judgment of the Law. They must also know that God has the right to abundantly pardon them through Christ who by fulfilling this judgment upon His family. They must finally know that this is a family of faith and according not to geneology but according to God's promises. The chief being "All who shall call upon* the name of the Lord shall be saved."
* Greek is closer to making an appeal rather than just a half heated request. It is something that one would do when they call upon a doctor in a time of need. It is not just saying a sinner's prayer. It has the distinction that one is also relying upon this appeal by submitting oneself to another's help and authority. Paul calls upon Caesar to hear his case is another example the meaning of call here.
Lets look at Africa Next. Part 2
Posted by
7:32 PM
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Sovereignty and the will, Part III
PART THREE. Romans 5
Some may charge that because man is not free to act irrationally, it limits His moral responsibilty when he does. This is a joke. It is from the very fact that man's morality itself is distorted that he is guilty. This distorted set of desires, outside of the reason, is what causes men to do what is overall irrational, called sin. He is guilty before God, not for an irrational act in a free will, but for his moral corruption and his rebellion as shown in his action. What logic is there in scorning the good and perfect One who created and gives life to all things?
The whole mass of sinners under Adam is guilty. They are not guilty because of a direct act of sin against the Law, like Adam. Yet, it is in their nature to sin like Adam, given a chance. People did not die back then because they broke a commandment of the Law. Romans 5 says that there was no sin to be imputed until the Law but death reigned none-the-less. This means that moral corruption and the state of rebellion against God spread to all men. The consequence of sin reigned called death. All were guilty. The Law came so that sin would abound. Likewise, Christ came so that grace would.
Now we have a period where all men without a direct act of sin in the same likeness as Adam die. It was not an act they did for there was no law. The could not be held guilty for such. It was their fallen state, their spiritual death. Our real sin is merely a reflection of what is known by God to be internally true. This inward stoney heart and our real sin both need to be atoned for. They both have been since Jesus was wounded for our trangressions and pierced for our iniquities. They have been carried away as far as the east is from the west. He has turned our spiritual death into spiritual life.
Now, I have shown that Man is guilty already for his own spiritual death and punished by a physical death, even before being guilty of any direct action of sin. This concurs with my source of responsiblity in discussing sovereignty and free will. (Spiritual death is the principle that causes moral corruption.) It is a fault within the person. It is not a fault of making an irrational decision in a random half-hearted choice. You could have been good enough to choice not to sin right? WRONG!!!! Sin becomes a problem of ignorance with this kind of choosing. I do not believe sin is such. I challenge people to prove it is such, without God actively allowing such ignorance and futility to go on.
If one truly knew the consequences as written about in the bible of hell; a right choice would always be made. Period. Furthermore, it is not just hell that cries out to us not to sin. It is also heaven. A sin in light of a holy and good and perfect creator would seem a ridiculous notion if one could fathom the width, the depth, and size of his love toward us in granting us all (good) things. Why do we wish for that which is bad. Our will has a problem with how we evaluate things. Our sinful desires and affections get in the way. On these incorrect evaluations is what we choose to act upon. The will is broken!
And I hold that it is someone else's duty to prove otherwise! Or prove that our moral responsibilty in the will is exclusively from another source without any reliance upon our original sin! With this said, the results of our rebellion must also be atoned for but our guilt begins with the original sin itself. Romans 5 divorces man's guilt from works. Now some wish it the other way, but it is clear that Romans 9 argues for the rights of potter to use what he will, not the clay in talking back.
Posted by
9:45 PM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Sovereignty and Free Will, Numero Dos.
1) God is able to do it. [interfere with man's will] for He is omnipotent.
2)It would be good for God to do it. [Since man cannot will rightly eternal things. He lacks wisdom]
3)Then, You can be sure that God has already done it. [by stepped in and determining the outcome of man's will.]
Thanks for the formula Anselm. 1+2=3
Is the will autonomous? Absolutely not. Is the will free? Absolutely, but this depends on what it is free to do. People will ask what do I mean here.Man is not free to fly with wings. He does not have wings. He cannot will flying even if he tries.
Likewise, Man is not free to act irrationally. It is from the image of God that we retain our rational nature. One can say they have the free will to throw money out the window or spend it at a store. Man will never throw it out the window for it has no cause.
Here is a better illustration, how about you have free will choose to give me your money or spend it? You say you can actually will both, somehow but you never will one of them. I shall remain poor. It is almost a "I'm invisible when no one is looking at me." claim. You are not rationally going to give me your money without a valid reason no matter what free will says is possible. (Anyway just in case you want to test by sending me money My address is: 2117 Gullible lane. Dupesville, YU 12345.) To claim that this ability of free will to act irrational exists is funny. Ha. ha. ha.
It is to allow an entirely free will here is to place irrationality on a pedestal. It is also charge God himself of it, since he created us as such. We cannot bear the image of a rational god by him creating us irrational. In reality we see that Man will always spends the money. He is not free to do otherwise without being the utmost fool. We cannot be an utter fool in our will. It is in only our desires that drive us to become that very fool. (and sin against an infinitely good, kind, holy, and just God.)
Now, to push this distinction further lets consider the fools that we know. All people rationalize their choices. People decide if they like blue or green. There is something rational within a given set of circumstances in choosing one but not the other. Choice are mutually exclusive and never happen in a vacuum of an indifferent free will.
We weigh our desires, minimize the sin, minimize the effects, and somehow believe that it is of no account (Say to our hearts that God will not judge), and minimize our objection in order to carry sin through. Any Psychologist will say that men make a habit out of rationalize unethical decisions. Every mass murderer in some sick way rationalize their killings. The reason and rationale are never separated. The rationale may be altered due to their childhood, abuse, father, mother, etc. This is the very corruption of their being.
Yet, this does not make these people less guilty. We try to call them inhuman but they are the very essense of humanity when it has fallen. They are rational. They are uncannily rational but without any correct distinction between the right and the wrong. We do not fault them for reason. We fault them for their fallen desires. We wonder at how they wished to do such in the first place. We do not wonder at how they actually reasoned it out with a sickened mind.
Man remains guilty in sinning and doing that which is irrational in light of the very goodness of creator and creation toward man. Man is guilty in rejecting the freest and best gift that God ever gave without strings. His only begotten Son. It requires a just punishment. It requires justice.
With this said, I give no sympathy for the devil. Nor should God.
Part III
Posted by
4:59 PM
Sovereignty and free will.
God ordains all to pass. Now if man had a entirely free will than God would still have to consent in allowing it to operate freely. This means that God wills everything himself or practices self-restraint in allowing man to act.
This presents a problem. How can a good and holy God with infinite wisdom and infinite power allow a worthless man to make infinitely foolish and damnable decision as he sits by and lets it happen? This shows a God who does not care. How can God let things that eternally matter be decided by those who cannot rightly judge it. This is to place power in someone who is blatently incompetent. How can a good God let something not good happen to a man if he does not know better. This is to charge God with neglence in his rule. These are bastardly charges. I hold that God does interfere to prevent such mishandling of events.
If God were to let men freely adopt those damning outcomes by choosing self-restraint. Man is far to sovereign. Other people charge that with absolute sovereignty, God forces men into those damnable decisions. Well this makes no sense since man is already condemned. God need not act to damn them!
The difference between the two is that God is ruling rather than man. 'Free will' has to answer why God would not care when people make eternally bad desicions. Absolute sovereignty has less to answer.
We know that the workings of God are beyond us. Still with absolute sovereignty God can still exercise his goodness, holiness, wisdom, and power on a greater scale. Whereas with self-restraint and free will, He cannot because man is in the driver's seat not God.
With self-restraint and free-will, there is no grace to interfere with the free will. With God's sovereignty, there is plenty of grace and unmerited favor possible. Furthermore, how can God work all things together for the good of those who believe (Romans 8:28) if sinful man is opposing him at every stop by working all things foolishly without understanding. Self-restraint means that God's hands are tied behind his back strangely by Himself. It is quite hilarious to even entertain the notion that God thwarts His own plans.
I do not believe God practices such self-restraint. How can a man make horrible free choices with eternal consequences within an active sovereignty? He cannot. God can maintain his goodness, wisdom, power, and knowledge by himself in this scheme. I don't see any comprehensible way He can by allowing man his freedom to be stupid.
See Part II
Posted by
4:40 PM
Friday, November 10, 2006
Christ, future sin, repentance
This post is to look at Christ.
Hebrews 10:11-16 says:
"And every priest stands daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins; 12 but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, sat down at the right hand of God, 13 waiting from that time onward until his enemies be made a footstool for his feet. 14 For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified. 15 and the Holy Spirit bears witness to us for after saying, 'This is the covenant that I will make with them, after those days, says the lord: I will put my laws upon their heart, and upon their mind I will write them,' he then says 'and their sins and their lawless deeds, i will remember no more.'
Christ is above the previous priesthood. His sacrifice is sufficient for all time. This means past, present, and future. There is no other sacrifice. Furthermore, verse 13 refers to the rule of Christ over all. This is link to the authority of Christ in his rule. It is Christ's reign sitting at the right hand of God after his ascension. This is seen in Acts and earlier Hebrews.
For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he himself says, The Lord said to my Lord, 'Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.' Therefore let the entire house of Israel know with certainty that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified" (Acts. 2:34-36). ' This is also the place that Christ iintercedes for his saints below.
Hebrews elsewhere says there is no way that the sacrifice of Christ can be repeated. Here it is for all time. It is by necessity that future sin is covered by Christ. Christ is in full agreement with God, The Father in fact. The intercessions of Christ by his blood will always be answered for His people, the church universal. One cannot say that Christ saves if one has to keep themselves by works. What began in the spirit cannot be completed in the flesh.
Christ furthermore has perfected all those who are sanctified by this one sacrifice. It is perfect, complete, and finished! The Greek word for perfect agrees with the notion of completeness! Christ on the cross said it is finished! He meant all of it as he offered himself upon the cross. Christ saves to the utmost. It does not allow a 'Saved from what?' question. If one be damned by a sin after being a believer then the sacrifice is not for all time! It is not complete, perfect, and finished! This presents a problem if salvation is not secured. How can sins be punished a second time if they were paid in Christ. Wouldn't this make God unjust?
One may argue with me that this gives a free licence to sin. Absolutely not, The one who says "Relax be merry, I have worked up enough merit in my soul." is still under judgment. The merit that they trust in is not Christ's. They are still condemned.
Now to contrast this with a true believer. The righteous shall live by faith. Men are sanctified, set apart and made holy, by the blood of Christ upon justification and faith. Our hearts are said to be sprinkled clean. I don't believe that this means that we sanctify ourselves. Sanctification would better be described as living out the reality of our identity in Christ. It is living out the reality because we are walking by faith and not by sight. If people were to trust in Christ, they would be sure to realize that he demands almost everything but requires nothing. The pressure comes not from the duty but from the desire and need to give him worship for all that he has done. Romans 12 calls our actions our spiritual act of worship.
It is a sad thing these days to see Christians who do not worship the Christ who bought them. I do not believe that such total ingratitude is possible in those who have truly received salvation. Either, they do not believe or they still have a heart of stone. To have a heart of stone is to be unconverted, they are unmoved by the influences of God. They are the 'depart, I never knew you crowd.' Why is it that these people can show such ingratitude? How is it that they can treat the blood and salvation of christ as such a common thing to be thrown upon the ground by their actions. I can find no other answer than being unconverted because Christians -must- worship God in both spirit and in truth. I could almost say that is who we are. God is the one who wills and works within us. We walk in the works that he has prepared before hand. We are his workmanship.
In addition, Christ, more or less, in the new covenant has promised to rake any backsliding believers over the coals until they repent. This includes repenting of sin and turning toward God to glorify and worship Him. It is to switch sides completely. Such repentance must occur in believers. The laws of God are place within our hearts. Our inner man shall in time be made to agree with the goodness of God's law and we will agree with the odiousness of our sin in due time. It is to know the difference between the warmth of God and the fire of sin. No repentance can happen before this. This repentance be escaped either. The constant presence of the holy spirit and the intercession of christ are ever present to help us in our weaknesses. The trinity here acts in unison they are both effective, united and omnipotent. They are also do not differ in mind with the Father. Repentance cannot happen without God or without His grace. For a believer, grace will always be suffiecent. Just as in first John we see a trend, it is not that we loved christ but that Christ first loved us.
Finally, Jude 24 says that God is the only one able to keep us. There are no lost sheep in the flock of God. I could quote the verses of Jesus leading us by waters and others about him being a shepherd. Then quote the parable about the lost sheep/lost coin but I would rather not. It should be abundantly clear this complete salvation is from Christ's sacrifice. Hebrews 10:14 suggest such because of the completeness of the sacrifice. I do not believe that anything was left out. It was by the very worth of Christ's blood that everything was bought. Furthermore, Christ did not make bricks without straw. Christ secured the continual repentance of all who believe. Christ intercedes for all who believe. Finally, this includes Christ securing the faith of all who believe. To know the extent of this salvation we have received, beyond just present and past sin is to judge the worth of Christ's death rightly.
We were transfered from a kingdom of darkness to a kingdom of light. Not just for a short time but an infinite time. The distance of such a transformation is too much to calculate. Our debt against an infinite holy God who perfect angels dare not approach. This required the very death of God in human flesh. It is not that he saved us for now but rather he saved us for eternity. All the praise and all the glory be onto God forever and ever. Amen
Posted by
8:19 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Lesser things, My Catholicism
The last time I was weirded out by something was earlier this year. I was reading the Bible and reading puritan theology. (That leaned toward being Catholic on Sanctification.) When all of a sudden, I look down and see a certain T-shirt. I had just recently ordered the major works of Anselm, and Augustine's Confessions from Amazon.com. They were in the Mail. Well I look down and see this T-shirt:
This was also right before I started doing serious exegesis on the sacrament of baptism.(Things circling around spiritual baptism, covenantal theology, mikvah, mode, and regeneration. This study included a few references from church fathers like Tertullian.)
With all this catholic stuff around me, I had a week in which I felt almost Catholic. It was quite strange. I felt as if maybe I was turning into a... Lutheran!?!?!?!? In retrospect, it was rather funny. I had also read certain Greek Orthodox sources that more or less said that Protestants were still in the Shadow of Rome.
Finally, I have one thing to say about all this Catholic Stuff. Mass is a bunch of Hocus Pocus!! (Latin:"Hoc est corpus", "This is the body.") At least, it seems in all of this that I have not dropped my hatred of potpouri in all its forms. Especially, the "Made in Italy" kind. I am only able to be charitable to Catholics that do not follow the Pope. (ie Greek Orthodox)
Around this time it seems that I have been getting what every reformer had. A catholic education. Good or bad. Take it or Leave it.
My overall impression at looking into the sum of Catholic History is that you see some that get it and some that don't. Some that see the source of every blessing as Christ. Others that trust in the Church without the distinction to the source of the actual grace. It all becomes very complicated. It is hard to say at times that they all hold "salvation by works", when a long while back they didn't.
Posted by
11:52 AM
Friday, October 27, 2006
Lesser things, Presbyterians and Old music
Lesser Things shall be a category for more worldly posts. With primarily controversial issues or personal topics.
I have recently discovered that I have a thing for the very old hymns. Specifically ones written by Isaac Watts.
Some of it is nostalgia from going to a Presbyterian church in my Youth. Yet, that cannot explain it. For I both love and loathe Presbyterians. I have looked into why I feel this way; it is rather complex. I think it stems from the fact I was not saved in that church nor would I have been in my estimation. I was actually saved in an Arminian Baptist-like church. (It was rather a nondenominational evangelical church.) I think this problem is compounded when I look into it; they did not teach with much zeal or teach strongly the doctrines that I now cherish. They were sound in doctrine but I was sound asleep. If I was to return my soul would cry out to hear Christ and him Crucified in a service. My Spirit would wished to be moved but would know full well that it would not be. I am sure others know how this feels in returning to past churches. My heart would be broken even further if I were to see another Presbyterian service in which the light of Christ did not shine forth in its full radiance.
Lets be clear, the Presbyterian church (PCA) I went to handled the word accurately but its sermons did not feed my soul. It was not liberal PCUSA but still had its share of dead orthodoxy. Morality being preached over the Gospel. Traditionalism (not even reformed theology) over the everliving and traditional theology of the cross. I could see a church that believes false things to be dead. To see a church that believes many of the right things and be dead is a more heart-wrenching issue. To see that church gloss over the other truths that I now love and that it held without force is also heart-wrenching.
It was like the Spurgeon's downgrade article said
"They traded the gospel truths in for natural theology. They for pastors focused on academic qualification more than spiritual ones." Perhaps it is guilt by association because I am using too broad of a brush to paint but I saw this plainly. I am prejudiced against the PCA and other Presbyterians for it.
Next, I have always been a Baptist at heart. This is where I am at variance with Presbyterians again. Credo-baptism (believer baptism) is a must for me. I have managed the doctrine carefully because of my covenantal theology and because I am a baptist.
Back to what I was discussing early, it is not just any musically styled hymn that I will like. I would throw up over some. Fall asleep over others. So this certainly can't be why I like hymns, especially ones by Watts. This nostalgia does not exist solely for hymns that I know by heart. I could write off things like the Doxology and Holy, Holy, Holy or A Mighty Fortress as such. Not the hymns by Isaac Watts that I have never heard. I just love their doctrine and praise so intertwined. There is something moving in being sinner by fact yet a saint by blood. I even like the old words over the modernized ones. That is the extent of my nostalgia as far as I can discern.
Here is a sample of one hymn I like:
Let everlasting glories crown by Isaac Watts: (it is sorta related to my other posts particularly stanza 2,5,6)
Let everlasting glories crown
Thy head, my Savior and my Lord;
Thy hands have brought salvation down,
And writ the blessings in Thy Word.
What if we trace the globe around,
And search from Britain to Japan,
There shall be no religion found
So just to God, so safe for man.
In vain the trembling conscience seeks
Some solid ground to rest upon;
With long despair the spirit breaks,
Till we apply to Christ alone.
How well Thy blessèd truths agree!
How wise and holy Thy commands!
Thy promises, how firm they be!
How firm our hope and comfort stands.
Not the feigned fields of heath’nish bliss
Could raise such pleasures in the mind;
Nor does the Turkish paradise
Pretend to joys so well refined.
Should all the forms that men devise
Assault my faith with treach’rous art,
I’d call them vanity and lies,
And bind the Gospel to my heart.
Posted by
12:40 PM
My Orthodoxy
I am no heretic. Monophytes says that christ one person, one nature. Jesus was one person with two natures. It was a bad question. I am certainly not leaning that direction. Here is the quiz: "Are You A Heretic?"
Chalcedon compliant | 100% | ||
Apollanarian | 0% | ||
Nestorianism | 0% | ||
Monophysitism | 33% | ||
Docetism | 0% | ||
Arianism | 0% | ||
Monarchianism | 0% | ||
Adoptionist | 0% | ||
Donatism | 0% | ||
Gnosticism | 0% | ||
Socinianism | 0% | ||
Albigensianism | 0% | ||
Modalism | 0% | ||
Pelagianism | 0% |
Posted by
12:22 PM
Translation and Books
For Translations: NASB, ESV, and the KJV (which is on computer). Sometimes I break with these and go straight for the Greek. By this I mean, translater notes with Google or Strong numbers. I don't know Greek. Nor will I pick it up. Occasionally, I will find the literal greek to be more helpful in a literal study of a word. The John 3:16 is about this to a degree. (still working on it.) One thing seems to be standard. Keep the verb tense the same when you translate!!!! NIV gets on my nerves about this particularly in its Equivalent translation. You can blame English to Greek for this problem too but that doesn't let NIV off the hook.
I use the NASB and ESV for studying and reading in print. I use KJV and ESV on my computer if I wish to do heavy exegesis since they function with concordences, cross-links, Matthew Henry's commentary, and Strong numbers. All of which are very handy. KJV is nice but its day is about past.
I am no crazy person who believes Jesus spoke Elizabethian English. There are those... I like the NASB a wee bit better anyway. ESV is better also for reading aloud. (but I don't like having to look at some of the foot notes for the greek saying!)
I am working on my little collection of books. I don't know if I will add much more unless the opportunity presents itself without double reading a topic. My studies into topics are at least on par with some of the authors. I might be better off writing a book soon. Or reading just the Bible (like I did all of the summer of 2005).
Peace out.
Posted by
9:15 AM
The Plea
Not all religions are created equal. Even using the wisdom for the wise only goes so far in exposing truth. You can preach the gospel to a stone all day and get no where. While you could preach it faithfully too in passing and God would raise up a son. God still is mysteriously incomprehensible in this. His ways are higher than ours. Yet, this 'incomprehensible' never implies that he is anything but rational and consistent.
I fall with Anselm on this one about truth. "For I do not seek to understand so I may believe; but I believe so that I may understand. For I also believe that 'unless I believe, I shall not understand'."
I go as far as the tradition of the Protestant reformers when I say, truth of the Gospel is nothing if it is apart from the depths of the heart. This is the gospel without power. I believe such truth is brought to conviction (as truth) by God, The Holy Spirit, alone during conversion. Thus faith could never be from anyone but God himself. It is miraculous. It is a conversion. It is even a work new creation from God's power to faith, granting us a spiritual nature. It is not at enmity with God. We are thus reconcilled to the Glory of God from first to last. It is by this that God takes the foolish things of this world and confounds the wise. In this, God takes the things that have no substance and brings to nothing that which does.
I say in response: God bless the soul of the wayward sinner! Sinner, repent, return for the word is near! the kingdom is at hand! God is not some rock formed by human hands. He is living and interceding before the throne. Turn and you shall see God's favor toward you made evident; God will be your ever present help! Sinner, You will be in no wise cast out! You are now, condemned by weight of the law and the horrid sin that you bear so heavily. There stands a Savior nearby who substitutes in your place and steed so that you may be accounted righteous in the Day of Judgment. You will be arrayed in the garment of His righteousness. Cover your nakedness, rid yourself of the burdens of sin, and take up the cross.
I won't lie and God often asks the impossible, even perfection itself. Who shall be left standing if God was not gracious. God has not forgotten of what stuff mankind is made of. We are but clay. God himself bore such a form on earth, yet without sin. Humble yourself and call out for grace, For God gives grace to the humble. Return you prodigical son, so that you may feast with the Father. Return to the father, poor sinner. Repent for the burden of Christ is light. It is far lighter than any salvation by works or the sin in which, you sinner are so uncontent in carrying out. Trust in Christ. You do not have to bear your sinfulness alone. Let the burden be lifted off by Christ. It is not your constant failures the keep you away, it has a root much deeper; in yourself and your iniquity. It is your rebellion against God. God will reconcile this with faith. Simply to the old wooden cross, cling. Simply come with your dreaded sin to bring. Come wayward Sinner! Have your evening turned to light. For God, himself, shall be your light.
Posted by
9:10 AM
It seems that I have finally been dragged into doing a blog. Perhaps I choose to do this so I would at least have some outlet to publish my thoughts. Perhaps to spur me into writing more of them down. The goal of this blog is somewhat ambitious. It should be nothing less than biblical. The goal is to promote love and a good conscience and a sincere faith. ( 1 Timothy 1:5)
I plan on keeping this Blog somewhat religious because many people need to get some religion. By this I don't mean head knowledge but a working knowledge.
Christianity is a unique religion. It should be cherished with its purity of beliefs. It is unlike any other religion. It is one that proclaims transformed lives for the Glory of God. It is one where Holy God himself reconciles sinful man without any expense to his justice. It is one where God is super-rational not irrational. It is one where God is super-personal not sub-personal. It is a religion of praise not of duty. It is a religion that should be practiced purely and undefiled in spirit and in truth. Not in the defile spirit earning merit though one is really a devil. Christians should be people in whom no deceit is found. We must actually LOVE God to do good works.
In fact it should even be a Christian's joy to serve God who is so honorable, so glorious, so gracious, so loving, and so wonderful. It is a religion of love and motive not good deeds and selfish regrets. It is a religion where God actively seeks the lost and brings them back into the fold. It is also a religion of brutal honesty. It is one in which sorrow and joy can flow mingled down in tears. Yet, there are glorious truths that Christianity hinges upon. There would be no Christianity if Christ didn't die upon a cross and rise from the dead on the third day according to the scriptures. There would be no Christianity without Christ himself being active, and in love interceding. There would be no Christianity without the Godhead. This shall be put forth clearly in my blog.
The glorious truths flowing from Christ's death also make their way into promises that are eternally true. "For God is not a man that he should lie nor a son of man that he should change; Has he said, and will he not do it? Has he spoken and will he not fulfill it?" (Numbers 23:19) These promises are guaranteed to be fulfilled in His past, present, and future actions toward His people.
Here is a short list:
1) God has saved us to the utmost. There is no degree in which we will be further saved that is not guaranteed already to those saved.
2) God dwells among men. Christ took on flesh and descended from his throne to take up the humble estate of man. He now intercedes. The Spirit indwells believers. God is behind all things in his gracious providence. God is not very far away from any of us. His arm is not so short that it cannot save or deliver us from our enemies.
3)God is actively for us, no one can be against us. There is no greater sign of this than his very Son upon the cross dieing on behalf of us believers.
4) God will grant an inner peace despite any of the world's difficulties.
5) God will make straight what we cannot. He will turn darkness into light.
6) God will go before us. God is our ever present help.
7) God will turn what was meant for evil into that which is meant for good.
8) God will make us Holy for He is holy. Perishable shall put on the imperishable. We shall all be changed. This occurs as we enter heaven but not only. As Thomas Watson says "Godliness is heaven on earth.". We shall also be made holy through our good works that God wills and works within us. We are his workmanship. We shall also walk the very works that he planned for us beforehand. This is above and beyond imputed righteousness by Christ's blood through faith. It is the actual righteousness as one obeys and takes up his cross. Not out of duty but out of delight.
9) God will be our Shephard and lead us. Be Guardian and protect us.
10) God will always be himself. Good, Holy, Gracious, Loving, Just, Kind, Patient, Righteous, Infinitely wise, Victorious, and Merciful.
I ask, what other religions have such glorious actions for its majestic gods to fulfill? Furthermore, What promises do they even offer. What other religions are even coherent enough in and of thyself to deliver. In my opinion there are few that even satisfy their own doctrines. Even fewer, namely one, that delivers in the area of truth.
Christianity is also unique because our total satisfaction is entirely in God himself. Number 10 in the list aught to be the most encouraging. This satisfaction in God cannot be said of other religion without ultimately dissolving man back into a primordial ooze or having man enjoy God by giving him material blessings. These things and joys are outside of God himself! What are they but rubbish! Why is it that paradise for Christianity (Heaven) has joys that more sublime than the continuous orgies and debauchery of Islam. Why is it that the Christian's eternal rest is not becoming the nothing as in the Nirvana of Buddhism but rather become everything holy that we yearn for in Christ?
This Blog should be nothing less than my joy to try to convey the truth and effects of the gospel as often as I can.
Posted by
9:09 AM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Blog This!
I have been trying to start up a blog. I had a half-hearted attempt at starting one earlier this year. At the time, I never told anyone because I was not ready to publish. (At least to anyone who knew me.) It was a work in progress.
I have since updated the previous posts and reposted some of them. More are still to come. I have some that are slated for future posting. Others still need work. A few are just too long and need to be broken into parts. These future posts include an indepth study of John 3:16 and limited atonement (6 parts). A two part study of Baptism. (Why? you may ask. Well your belief on water baptism effects what you believe about spiritual baptism and also regeneration. This must be the case because of Ephesians 4:5.) And I also have a bunch of lesser things that range from islam, catholocism, music, prophecy, experimental christianity, free will, prophecy, and the like.
Posted by
9:54 PM
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Da Vinci DUH Duh?!?!
It seems that much that i wrote about the modern strand of experimental christianity can be applied to the group that believes this book to be true. It may not just be the experimental branch that has issues. It is perhaps a larger trend of postmoderism today that has distorted faith. It is the contrast of the view. What works is true. Rather than what is true works. Faith is a field on which many beliefs are attacked on multiple fronts. People also has some ambivalence in some areas because of Neo-orthodoxy beliefs which have infiltrated the church about personal inspiration and the nature of the truth of a passage is for a person. If this is not a very big issue in teaching, it lived out as a big issue in action. God is holy. God is in unapproachable light. God is absolute for he is eternal and unchanging. More people need to pursue holiness. More need to find their satisfaction solely in God. Sin, Salvation, Satisfaction, and Sanctity need to be taught equivocally clear. There are many places truth can be taught with fewer shades of gray from the Bible. It confronts someone with the notion of whether they believe it or don't.
I have been slightly pressed to say that today's fundamentalists act like yesterday's liberals. Just read the NLT and the KJV next to each other. Some Translations or rather paraphrases go above and beyond any close translation of the meaning of the word. There seems to be far less focus on strictness when considering dynamic equivalent translation or blatant paraphrase. Read the Message too. Protestant and Catholic alike would have burnt some of these translations as heretical if they were around 300 years. Who can blame yesterday's liberals for being so bad now when the fundamentalists are also bad at leaving the sheep-door open. (Liberal as in how they treat the Bible and its inerrancy/sufficiency. Not political allegiance.)
Posted by
10:24 PM
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Prophecy and me
I follow Bunyan and Spurgeon on the existences of the spiritual gifts and their forms. I also believe they can affect believers in a similar way as reading scripture does. Illumination of doctrines/beliefs/verses at times but it is apart from reading scripture and through varied means. The Holy Ghost does not move in the reading of the word alone although it is the sword that it still wields effectually in the process.
This means that the Grace of illumination is still free and not just in the act of reading. Sometimes, it is correction that comes in the form apart from the natural means of reading. It also can be complimentary and sustaining to people who have woefully neglected the means of scripture. Yet, this is not where most prophecies occur. They are for the church since the purpose is to build the church not just sustain it. This may seem strange. If the means of communication are free then I also consider that visions and dreams as possible and probable. God can illuminate in reading. Can he respond out of it too? Yes, god can illuminate in and by prayer as well. He can finally respond out of it, although it is never normal to do so to anyone but a christian. The prophetic words, not necessarily a prophecy per say, are true when according to scripture. I shall return to the later.
If one wishes to call them subordinate to scripture it is true, but to say they have equal weight if actually from God is also true. Yet, to say that they are new is most certainly untrue.
First some ground observations: Prophecy errors in people who have no light, ones that are not elect. People characterized by false prophets fit this category. They primarily break the established grounds of acceptible prophecy set in scripture and its uses to build the church.
All prophecy has an interpretation or people aught not speak.
All prophets should also test themselves before they ever speak.
All pastors should control of prophecy and its content in the church.
People must prophesy in proportion to faith.
The spirit of prophecy must also confirm that Jesus has come in the flesh and is
the christ.
Prophecy also does not cause one to take up a stance based on the vision. But only
strengthens or gives knowledge to a pre-existing position or intuition being
considered before hand.
Prophecy is formed by the will but apart from it.
Finally the point of prophecy is primarily turning over old timeless truths and
making them new. The purpose is often the same as illumination in scripture but more particular in applying its means.
Next, it does not:
It does not cause people to faint over into a seizure as far as I know.
It does not cause physical incapacitation, time perception is strange because they seem to occur in what seem like half-moments. (The sense is that they are mentally captivating to the consciousness and many times short-lived or parsed into many related short-live moments. They need not be exclusive to any sensory functions.)
It does not appear chaotic since prophets can be very orderly when practiced aright.
It is not channelling either where one speaks a prophecy in a strange voice.
It does not cause one does not speak uncontrollably.
It does not replace scripture, rather it spoken is according to scripture. God doesn't change.
It does not make people take aberrant stances or positions opposed to scripture, current pastoral thought, or in commiting sins.
It is not the general ability of telling the future.
These all describe demon possession.
Next, my experience is that interpretation is almost always with the prophecy, if it is not then it is accessible by prayer. There is no special formula for the gifts of knowledge and wisdom from above. More often it is illuminated in parallel to a particular Bible verse simultaneously. The Interpretation can then take the form of an expounded Bible verse easily.
Sometimes, it is in reverse where it just serves to further illumination upon reading a similarity in the Word. Yet 90% of everyone who speaks at a prophetic mic has a particular Bible verse to read and explain. Bible literacy is useful in prophecy because it clearly displays the truth and interpretation in non-subjective words. Yet, it is not the explaining that makes then a prophet but rather the necessity of that topic brought to the church's attention. It is the word of knowledge or wisdom or even a vision/dream that communicates the topic. Prophecy in its particular use is for building the church up. It certainly does that in this description. Finally, the last 10% are often addressing individuals with needs. These needs almost always exists regardless of the prophecy given. Yet some are so specific and spectacular they can't be ignored. I have to date found nothing erring doctrinally at the prophetic mic at my church. I have listened closely for heresy.
Myself and prophecy:
I have never spoken in a prophetic mic. But I have had prophetic moments (half-moments, images and dreams) in the past, I tend to doubt them as often as I can but to no avail. They are inescapible and functionally quite strange. Of these, only two have applied to others. These moments were set against my doubts as a weak christian. Yet, they weren't as pivotal as other acts of providence. On one hand, I could not subjectively dismiss God. On the other rationalism sought to destroy faith completely. I was torn apart at the seams, not very able to call out to God for help. How can one call on whom they did not rationally believe but felt and knew. Yet, I did believe actually believe. My rationalism tried to crushed what I believed. Not quite postmodernism, but modernized thought on everything ranging from evolution to existence itself. I would never wish to forced them on anyone.
The prophetic gifts did not arise because I am more faithful or holy but rather they exemplified my lack of faith and holiness. They ultimately fostered perseverance from God alone. I am very practical in my rationalism and skeptical of mysticism. Prophecy is real as real as it gets. I have tried to discount it EVERY step of the way. I cannot. I would make myself out to be a liar. I could not call myself a christian for the 'base deception' of prophecy made me who I am today. It is not about the theology on the gifts. It is about who I am as a christian. They were an anchor to my faith for a time. They showed me that Christ and God were alive and caring for me in my doubts. Oh, how He stayed by my side when I am prone to wander. He brought me back into the fold time and time and time and time and time again. He seared the truth of this into my heart. Without prophecy existing, this all meant nothing. God would have meant nothing. It is not a delusion for there was no evil intent or stance that was not vindicated outside of prophecy.
Now, the spiritual gifts in no way make the christian. The fruits of the spirit are far more important to a believer. Being bound subjectively into knowing God does not need such supernatural means. I am sure this all perserverance could have been done apart from any prophetic or extraordinary gifting. Some of it was via the right verse at the right time. This was also miraculous when I opened my bible to what happened to be the right verse, illuminated in my heart. In my case, these things only make God more glorified in his actions because he was using means that have no trace but from himself.
Reformed theology is a natural outlet because it explains the power of God. It provides reason for God in perseverance. (OSAS makes no sense! only PotS!) It also has a rationalistic strain that takes what the Bible says and makes God actually mean it. It is one that seeks to crush humanism and pride in self. There is also many atheistic claims that seek to pit calvinistic and universalistic ideas against christians errorneously. Faith is unequivocal. It gives God the glory alone and explains many relics of truthes within Protestant churches from the Bible.
What is it to be born again? What is it to have the Gospel received with power? (Is it not Calvinistic conversion?) How are we saved if we are enemies of God with no hope? (are we still enemies if we exercise a choice that REQUIRES a pre-existing faith in the basis of that choice.) Having been chosen, do we choose and thus become chosen or are we chosen BEFORE this. Having been elected, how do we elect ourselves. Having been established, how do we establish ourselves. You can see the quandary that these biblical phrases bring up. We choose because we are chosen. We love God because he has loved us. It is reciprical entirely in my opinion. This makes the Bible mean what it says without altering word meaning to unsustainable positions.
I am at first an "experiential calvinist". I am doctrinally reformed after that. I can run three times around an Arminian before they know it. Reformed theology has made my mind succumb to faith. It has taken thoughts captive in faith. Outside of the previous subjectivism in which I could not deny or approve. It was waves upon the sea. I was bound fast by the power of God, while trying to run the other way. The gifting and calling of God is irrevocable. C.S Lewis, Mere Christianity, was one of the first helpful reads of mine in this earlier time. Yet, Reformed theology completely established my desire and praise for God and his sovereignty.
This was mainly outside and before my current church. Prophetic momements are quite rare. They have also been useful in explaining how prophetic imagery works in the Bible too. The issue of prophecy is not explaining but rather speaks to the necessity of THAT verse or topic being expounded. God does communicate with man. Cessionists have issues with discussing how this communication works. Should not people consult their God. And would he not answer them? In teaching, in prayer, in the law, in reading, in the spirit, and even in prophecies. If one is moved something else, We need not consider this case for long. It is known by its fruits, primarily lies and deception.
Posted by
5:20 PM