It seems that this forgotten continent to which endless missionaries and have died have been sent is showing some results. This is the current map of the religions of Africa.

The size of the C indicates the percent of christian. To go along with this diagram a quote: "There are now more practicing Christians in Africa than on any other continent, and by the second decade of the new millennium, Africa will overtake Europe as the continent with the greatest number of people who identify themselves as Christians, whether or not they practice their faith.""
Christianity is expected to slowly displace the IR in many areas. Islam is staying about the same. The muslims fear losing their grip on the lower parts of Sudan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Chad. The Sudanese 'rebels' who are being killed/displaced in Darfur Sudan are Black and partially Christian. The Government is Arab and Islamic. Some persecution is racial. Some is political. Some is religious persecution. Out of these, I cannot say which is most important.
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