It seems that I have finally been dragged into doing a blog. Perhaps I choose to do this so I would at least have some outlet to publish my thoughts. Perhaps to spur me into writing more of them down. The goal of this blog is somewhat ambitious. It should be nothing less than biblical. The goal is to promote love and a good conscience and a sincere faith. ( 1 Timothy 1:5)
I plan on keeping this Blog somewhat religious because many people need to get some religion. By this I don't mean head knowledge but a working knowledge.
Christianity is a unique religion. It should be cherished with its purity of beliefs. It is unlike any other religion. It is one that proclaims transformed lives for the Glory of God. It is one where Holy God himself reconciles sinful man without any expense to his justice. It is one where God is super-rational not irrational. It is one where God is super-personal not sub-personal. It is a religion of praise not of duty. It is a religion that should be practiced purely and undefiled in spirit and in truth. Not in the defile spirit earning merit though one is really a devil. Christians should be people in whom no deceit is found. We must actually LOVE God to do good works.
In fact it should even be a Christian's joy to serve God who is so honorable, so glorious, so gracious, so loving, and so wonderful. It is a religion of love and motive not good deeds and selfish regrets. It is a religion where God actively seeks the lost and brings them back into the fold. It is also a religion of brutal honesty. It is one in which sorrow and joy can flow mingled down in tears. Yet, there are glorious truths that Christianity hinges upon. There would be no Christianity if Christ didn't die upon a cross and rise from the dead on the third day according to the scriptures. There would be no Christianity without Christ himself being active, and in love interceding. There would be no Christianity without the Godhead. This shall be put forth clearly in my blog.
The glorious truths flowing from Christ's death also make their way into promises that are eternally true. "For God is not a man that he should lie nor a son of man that he should change; Has he said, and will he not do it? Has he spoken and will he not fulfill it?" (Numbers 23:19) These promises are guaranteed to be fulfilled in His past, present, and future actions toward His people.
Here is a short list:
1) God has saved us to the utmost. There is no degree in which we will be further saved that is not guaranteed already to those saved.
2) God dwells among men. Christ took on flesh and descended from his throne to take up the humble estate of man. He now intercedes. The Spirit indwells believers. God is behind all things in his gracious providence. God is not very far away from any of us. His arm is not so short that it cannot save or deliver us from our enemies.
3)God is actively for us, no one can be against us. There is no greater sign of this than his very Son upon the cross dieing on behalf of us believers.
4) God will grant an inner peace despite any of the world's difficulties.
5) God will make straight what we cannot. He will turn darkness into light.
6) God will go before us. God is our ever present help.
7) God will turn what was meant for evil into that which is meant for good.
8) God will make us Holy for He is holy. Perishable shall put on the imperishable. We shall all be changed. This occurs as we enter heaven but not only. As Thomas Watson says "Godliness is heaven on earth.". We shall also be made holy through our good works that God wills and works within us. We are his workmanship. We shall also walk the very works that he planned for us beforehand. This is above and beyond imputed righteousness by Christ's blood through faith. It is the actual righteousness as one obeys and takes up his cross. Not out of duty but out of delight.
9) God will be our Shephard and lead us. Be Guardian and protect us.
10) God will always be himself. Good, Holy, Gracious, Loving, Just, Kind, Patient, Righteous, Infinitely wise, Victorious, and Merciful.
I ask, what other religions have such glorious actions for its majestic gods to fulfill? Furthermore, What promises do they even offer. What other religions are even coherent enough in and of thyself to deliver. In my opinion there are few that even satisfy their own doctrines. Even fewer, namely one, that delivers in the area of truth.
Christianity is also unique because our total satisfaction is entirely in God himself. Number 10 in the list aught to be the most encouraging. This satisfaction in God cannot be said of other religion without ultimately dissolving man back into a primordial ooze or having man enjoy God by giving him material blessings. These things and joys are outside of God himself! What are they but rubbish! Why is it that paradise for Christianity (Heaven) has joys that more sublime than the continuous orgies and debauchery of Islam. Why is it that the Christian's eternal rest is not becoming the nothing as in the Nirvana of Buddhism but rather become everything holy that we yearn for in Christ?
This Blog should be nothing less than my joy to try to convey the truth and effects of the gospel as often as I can.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Posted by
9:09 AM
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