1) God is able to do it. [interfere with man's will] for He is omnipotent.
2)It would be good for God to do it. [Since man cannot will rightly eternal things. He lacks wisdom]
3)Then, You can be sure that God has already done it. [by stepped in and determining the outcome of man's will.]
Thanks for the formula Anselm. 1+2=3
Is the will autonomous? Absolutely not. Is the will free? Absolutely, but this depends on what it is free to do. People will ask what do I mean here.Man is not free to fly with wings. He does not have wings. He cannot will flying even if he tries.
Likewise, Man is not free to act irrationally. It is from the image of God that we retain our rational nature. One can say they have the free will to throw money out the window or spend it at a store. Man will never throw it out the window for it has no cause.
Here is a better illustration, how about you have free will choose to give me your money or spend it? You say you can actually will both, somehow but you never will one of them. I shall remain poor. It is almost a "I'm invisible when no one is looking at me." claim. You are not rationally going to give me your money without a valid reason no matter what free will says is possible. (Anyway just in case you want to test by sending me money My address is: 2117 Gullible lane. Dupesville, YU 12345.) To claim that this ability of free will to act irrational exists is funny. Ha. ha. ha.
It is to allow an entirely free will here is to place irrationality on a pedestal. It is also charge God himself of it, since he created us as such. We cannot bear the image of a rational god by him creating us irrational. In reality we see that Man will always spends the money. He is not free to do otherwise without being the utmost fool. We cannot be an utter fool in our will. It is in only our desires that drive us to become that very fool. (and sin against an infinitely good, kind, holy, and just God.)
Now, to push this distinction further lets consider the fools that we know. All people rationalize their choices. People decide if they like blue or green. There is something rational within a given set of circumstances in choosing one but not the other. Choice are mutually exclusive and never happen in a vacuum of an indifferent free will.
We weigh our desires, minimize the sin, minimize the effects, and somehow believe that it is of no account (Say to our hearts that God will not judge), and minimize our objection in order to carry sin through. Any Psychologist will say that men make a habit out of rationalize unethical decisions. Every mass murderer in some sick way rationalize their killings. The reason and rationale are never separated. The rationale may be altered due to their childhood, abuse, father, mother, etc. This is the very corruption of their being.
Yet, this does not make these people less guilty. We try to call them inhuman but they are the very essense of humanity when it has fallen. They are rational. They are uncannily rational but without any correct distinction between the right and the wrong. We do not fault them for reason. We fault them for their fallen desires. We wonder at how they wished to do such in the first place. We do not wonder at how they actually reasoned it out with a sickened mind.
Man remains guilty in sinning and doing that which is irrational in light of the very goodness of creator and creation toward man. Man is guilty in rejecting the freest and best gift that God ever gave without strings. His only begotten Son. It requires a just punishment. It requires justice.
With this said, I give no sympathy for the devil. Nor should God.
Part III
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Sovereignty and Free Will, Numero Dos.
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4:59 PM
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