Some people take creation as entirely literal. Some take it figurative. Others subject the narrative to science. Finally, some take it for exactly what it is in light of the rest of the bible. I bring this up because I was thinking about the creation for sometime.
I see strands of thought that easily incorporate old earth creationism by a literal reading of the passage in Isaiah. "They shall not enter into his rest." as referring to an ongoing sabbath rest. I see other strands of thought that so prove a six day creation, such that no liberal theologian aught to even deny its existence. I have looked around at where I stand on this issue. I cannot find fault in the short creation week. I also cannot exclude a long creation week either. I stand nowhere.
I find it more difficult to conceive of a long creation week but not impossibly. I wish not the difficulty of believing a long creation week on anyone in light of the plain reading of Genesis that glorifies God's work. It is not essential because we can be certain that God made it. We can be certain that He also made it good. In short, I realize stand I nowhere on this issue. I will likely keep this position.
I looked more deeply into Genesis 1 and realized that the creation story has more nuances than what is written. What of Angels? What of the true Heavens, which exist outside of our material existence? Are these the heavens mentioned or is it just the sky. Next, where does this sky end. The firmament includes both sky and stars. Are the true heavens mentioned in this creation or just stars. What do we make of the waters above and the waters below this expanse, in light of these things. What is the deep vastness that existed before creation. Is the creation story just of the earth or is it of the universe. Also, how long was Adam in Eden?
There are many questions. I don't have the answers. I don't think they are necessary to faith. Yet, God had to create the real/true heavens at some time. Yet, they are not eternal. They are created and real outside of our universe. Furthremore, Angels are creatures like men. They cover their eyes, they fly, and they cover their feet. They, even if they live forever, have a beginning.
Since we can see the splendor of the first creation so clearly. It matters not how it was made but who made it. Let us look at the second work of creation. A work that is done by God. He takes not an old man and remakes him. He creates a new man in place of the old.
This is in a work called regeneration, it is worked out later by faith. It is inadequate of an expression to the world's eyes of God's creative glory. Yet, it far surpasses the understanding of the saints that God can make a stone heart alive. That God can clean away the leopard's spots or change the color of an Ethiopian's skin. That God can forgive sin. It far surpasses our understanding of how we came to love one that we were the source of hatred against. It is not that we first love God but that God first loved us. While we were yet sinners, he sent His Son to die for us. It is by this and Christ's effectual prayers that God was please to make men anew in Christ. Desires change and duty becomes delight. God has been found by those who sought him not. Be it always to God's glory. Amen
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Posted by
12:25 PM
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