Sunday, February 03, 2008

Hating all Patriots

I'm glad that the Giants won the Superbowl. Some might ask why? I hate the patriots... A better question is what have the Patriots done to me? Nothing. Its just the perception of things shady going in their direction. It is things like underhanded filming. It is bad calls by refs and wins by special teams. Nothing else makes them win games. They are an average team. (Last season more so than this season). It is perhaps their arrogance the greatest reason I hate them.

Now, this hatred has been ingrained into me by my friends. I don't know why I hate the patriots so. They are so inconsequential to everything that is important. A friend told me that crabs in a bucket don't need a lid cause they are always clawing down the ones at the top. Yet, outside observers like the underdogs just because they wish the man on top to fall. It is perhaps people's willingness to shoot the wounded if there is but an ounce of pride in their heart. Oh, how I hate pride but I feel more and more that I need to kill it in myself first. I need to glorify God more and shift all honor to Him.

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