Now let us examine the third option. God's view of giving a chance. This is most notably done by examining the condition of those who are disobedient. Which is everyone, but more particularly those who have heard the Gospel.
God writes through the pen of John "And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and the people loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil." This confirms our condition of disobedience. It adds on to this condition by saying that people LOVE darkness. It continues "For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light lest his deeds should be exposed." This says that they love darkness because they are wicked for fear that they should be exposed as such.
It is a fear proper to encountering holiness. Was it not this fear that cause men to crucify Christ? It is a fear of being undone as in being discoved as scum. Look at Isaiah before the throne of God in Isaiah 6. He was exposed by an unapproachable light that eminates before the throne of God. He collapsed and plead for help. The imagery of light has always been Christ in the Gospel of John. God is the very source of that which exposes lies and burns the truth into us. The dark creatures of John 3 are not the ones who hold onto the light themselves. They hate it. Grace and light from God are needed. They come to the light if they do what is true. (verse 21) Yet, a wicked person cannot or rather will not because their sin and wicked deeds are too blinding and painful in such a radiant light. Isaiah merely had a bad mouth that needed to be atoned for in God's presence. Atonement is needed for there to be a change. Not all have faith. Faith is also a gift.
Think of your state when such a bright light of perfection and truth be shone forth. You would be irresistably be undone. To resist the light would be like trying to live as an ant under a magnifying glass. You would not wish to be at home in the light. Our choice isn't sufficent because our rational and natural choice is to skulk back to the shadows. It is not by faith and humilty ask for help from one's persecutor. Do you hold out that man has an island of goodness that would vouche for itself and embrace such aid? Our corruption is too great.
Let us look at the absurdity. Would you cast yourself into the desert without any food that benefits you? Would you not rather return to the verdant lands of abundance. Don't kid yourself, you would have gone back to Egypt. It is a fool who would not choose such. This attraction toward the light and what the world sees as foolish comes from a drastic change. It is not just a change of heart, nothing motivates it but foolishness. People would easily return the way they came. It is not as if we are merely chamelions that can change our skin by our choice. We cannot change our spots. It is God who changes us that is the only door to heaven. He changes us towards his own end. Salvation and his enjoyment. Would a moth not irresistibly fly into the flames of God? Something that appears to be foolish to others but quite natural for the moth. It is as foolish as spending forty years in a desert. Yet, our God does not burn those who come to him earnestly. All who put their hope in him shall not be disappointed. Now let us drop the pretense.
Let us look at the christian life without this change. The rain falls on both the righteous and unrighteous. The unrighteous are feed the same spiritual food as the righteous. (1 corinthians 10.) It seems to imply something eucharistic and salvational. Yet, clearly it does not benefit all. The unrighteous were still... Unrighteous. The food does not benefit them or save those who fall in the wilderness. Now having discussed this, what is the difference between the righteous and unrighteous here. One has real faith, one only has a resemblence to it. Now since everyone originally is unrighteous. One cannot partake of the lord's cup and that of demons. A real change must occur. This change is not merely a choice. It issomething much deeper. It is a literal change of heart not a figurative one with no more power than a fickle choice. We cannot be what we are not. Unless God changes us. We cannot by nature be warmed by God's rays if we are frozen under wrath. We cannot by nature lay claim of Christ's blood if we cannot lay claim to anything that is truly good. We shall see ourselves as counterfeit for that is what we would be if it was by choice alone without grace. Those who truly come to him, he shall in no ways cast out.
Looking back we encounter the same problem for unconversion. How can someone can reject the Gospel when they fully know the riches of grace that lie within? This is perhaps more appropriate to ask someone who thinks they are a chamelion. How do men resist the gospel? Is the gospel not the very thing that gives warmth. Has it not been the most wonderful blessing in one's life? Why would a rational person choose the cold if they knew of warmth? It is beyond me. It is rather because the warmth did not benefit them. Only God can change a believer back, but I see not why. Nor do I see how the cold darkness can creep back into designs of the warming light. The light is victorious. Absolutely.
Now it remains to be seen how ones deeds are exposed. "But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his deeds have been carried out in God." ESV. Another translation "his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God." NASB. It is the nature of the person. It is not a chance in man but a chance in God. Wrought means profusely hammered and worked. Their deads have been hammered and worked in God. This is the chapter on the necessity to be born again. You cannot escape the conclusion. It is thus only possible for His great work to actually save, to actually make people come to the light. Giving a chance does not cause a work to be wrought by God.
This is consistent with Ephesians 2 that says we are His workmanship. It is also consistent with Paul again who says "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for God is at work in us, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." Phil 2:13,14 RSV. Some have become fancy by saying that God respects choice and changes us accordingly. The problem with this is that God is in our will. He is at work in our hearts. Scripture says of God. '"I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion." So then it does not depend on the man who wills or runs but on God who has mercy.'Romans 9:15-16
It does not say that the people chose to be rebellous so He didn't have mercy on them. It does not say they chose to be rebelous and God was not compassionate. There is an impossiblity with choice. It does not depend on man's will. It is true that God still outstretched his hands when the people were otherwise. He continued to do so for generations. He delievered every promise that he gave them. This does not mean the promises of the law. The law did not intend to save. This means the promises of giving the people a king, the prophets, the priests, a promised land, not forsaking them in trouble, helping them in war, and the blessing of the savior of the world coming their lineage were true. These were the promises of Abraham. As for the New Covenant, enacted by a better sacrifice and better promises. The change in heart and writing His laws upon it is promised in Jeremiah. These promises were unconditional. Likewise, salvation. Some have become fancy in saying that God respects choice and changes people afterward. If choice matters, it cannot be said that God didn't cause the choice. It rather -must- be said that he brought it forth for it does not depend on choice for God to be merciful or compassionate.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
study of John 3:14-20, Part V. C v A
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6:57 AM
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