The last time I was weirded out by something was earlier this year. I was reading the Bible and reading puritan theology. (That leaned toward being Catholic on Sanctification.) When all of a sudden, I look down and see a certain T-shirt. I had just recently ordered the major works of Anselm, and Augustine's Confessions from They were in the Mail. Well I look down and see this T-shirt:
This was also right before I started doing serious exegesis on the sacrament of baptism.(Things circling around spiritual baptism, covenantal theology, mikvah, mode, and regeneration. This study included a few references from church fathers like Tertullian.)
With all this catholic stuff around me, I had a week in which I felt almost Catholic. It was quite strange. I felt as if maybe I was turning into a... Lutheran!?!?!?!? In retrospect, it was rather funny. I had also read certain Greek Orthodox sources that more or less said that Protestants were still in the Shadow of Rome.
Finally, I have one thing to say about all this Catholic Stuff. Mass is a bunch of Hocus Pocus!! (Latin:"Hoc est corpus", "This is the body.") At least, it seems in all of this that I have not dropped my hatred of potpouri in all its forms. Especially, the "Made in Italy" kind. I am only able to be charitable to Catholics that do not follow the Pope. (ie Greek Orthodox)
Around this time it seems that I have been getting what every reformer had. A catholic education. Good or bad. Take it or Leave it.
My overall impression at looking into the sum of Catholic History is that you see some that get it and some that don't. Some that see the source of every blessing as Christ. Others that trust in the Church without the distinction to the source of the actual grace. It all becomes very complicated. It is hard to say at times that they all hold "salvation by works", when a long while back they didn't.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Lesser things, My Catholicism
Posted by
11:52 AM
Friday, October 27, 2006
Lesser things, Presbyterians and Old music
Lesser Things shall be a category for more worldly posts. With primarily controversial issues or personal topics.
I have recently discovered that I have a thing for the very old hymns. Specifically ones written by Isaac Watts.
Some of it is nostalgia from going to a Presbyterian church in my Youth. Yet, that cannot explain it. For I both love and loathe Presbyterians. I have looked into why I feel this way; it is rather complex. I think it stems from the fact I was not saved in that church nor would I have been in my estimation. I was actually saved in an Arminian Baptist-like church. (It was rather a nondenominational evangelical church.) I think this problem is compounded when I look into it; they did not teach with much zeal or teach strongly the doctrines that I now cherish. They were sound in doctrine but I was sound asleep. If I was to return my soul would cry out to hear Christ and him Crucified in a service. My Spirit would wished to be moved but would know full well that it would not be. I am sure others know how this feels in returning to past churches. My heart would be broken even further if I were to see another Presbyterian service in which the light of Christ did not shine forth in its full radiance.
Lets be clear, the Presbyterian church (PCA) I went to handled the word accurately but its sermons did not feed my soul. It was not liberal PCUSA but still had its share of dead orthodoxy. Morality being preached over the Gospel. Traditionalism (not even reformed theology) over the everliving and traditional theology of the cross. I could see a church that believes false things to be dead. To see a church that believes many of the right things and be dead is a more heart-wrenching issue. To see that church gloss over the other truths that I now love and that it held without force is also heart-wrenching.
It was like the Spurgeon's downgrade article said
"They traded the gospel truths in for natural theology. They for pastors focused on academic qualification more than spiritual ones." Perhaps it is guilt by association because I am using too broad of a brush to paint but I saw this plainly. I am prejudiced against the PCA and other Presbyterians for it.
Next, I have always been a Baptist at heart. This is where I am at variance with Presbyterians again. Credo-baptism (believer baptism) is a must for me. I have managed the doctrine carefully because of my covenantal theology and because I am a baptist.
Back to what I was discussing early, it is not just any musically styled hymn that I will like. I would throw up over some. Fall asleep over others. So this certainly can't be why I like hymns, especially ones by Watts. This nostalgia does not exist solely for hymns that I know by heart. I could write off things like the Doxology and Holy, Holy, Holy or A Mighty Fortress as such. Not the hymns by Isaac Watts that I have never heard. I just love their doctrine and praise so intertwined. There is something moving in being sinner by fact yet a saint by blood. I even like the old words over the modernized ones. That is the extent of my nostalgia as far as I can discern.
Here is a sample of one hymn I like:
Let everlasting glories crown by Isaac Watts: (it is sorta related to my other posts particularly stanza 2,5,6)
Let everlasting glories crown
Thy head, my Savior and my Lord;
Thy hands have brought salvation down,
And writ the blessings in Thy Word.
What if we trace the globe around,
And search from Britain to Japan,
There shall be no religion found
So just to God, so safe for man.
In vain the trembling conscience seeks
Some solid ground to rest upon;
With long despair the spirit breaks,
Till we apply to Christ alone.
How well Thy blessèd truths agree!
How wise and holy Thy commands!
Thy promises, how firm they be!
How firm our hope and comfort stands.
Not the feigned fields of heath’nish bliss
Could raise such pleasures in the mind;
Nor does the Turkish paradise
Pretend to joys so well refined.
Should all the forms that men devise
Assault my faith with treach’rous art,
I’d call them vanity and lies,
And bind the Gospel to my heart.
Posted by
12:40 PM
My Orthodoxy
I am no heretic. Monophytes says that christ one person, one nature. Jesus was one person with two natures. It was a bad question. I am certainly not leaning that direction. Here is the quiz: "Are You A Heretic?"
Chalcedon compliant | 100% | ||
Apollanarian | 0% | ||
Nestorianism | 0% | ||
Monophysitism | 33% | ||
Docetism | 0% | ||
Arianism | 0% | ||
Monarchianism | 0% | ||
Adoptionist | 0% | ||
Donatism | 0% | ||
Gnosticism | 0% | ||
Socinianism | 0% | ||
Albigensianism | 0% | ||
Modalism | 0% | ||
Pelagianism | 0% |
Posted by
12:22 PM
Translation and Books
For Translations: NASB, ESV, and the KJV (which is on computer). Sometimes I break with these and go straight for the Greek. By this I mean, translater notes with Google or Strong numbers. I don't know Greek. Nor will I pick it up. Occasionally, I will find the literal greek to be more helpful in a literal study of a word. The John 3:16 is about this to a degree. (still working on it.) One thing seems to be standard. Keep the verb tense the same when you translate!!!! NIV gets on my nerves about this particularly in its Equivalent translation. You can blame English to Greek for this problem too but that doesn't let NIV off the hook.
I use the NASB and ESV for studying and reading in print. I use KJV and ESV on my computer if I wish to do heavy exegesis since they function with concordences, cross-links, Matthew Henry's commentary, and Strong numbers. All of which are very handy. KJV is nice but its day is about past.
I am no crazy person who believes Jesus spoke Elizabethian English. There are those... I like the NASB a wee bit better anyway. ESV is better also for reading aloud. (but I don't like having to look at some of the foot notes for the greek saying!)
I am working on my little collection of books. I don't know if I will add much more unless the opportunity presents itself without double reading a topic. My studies into topics are at least on par with some of the authors. I might be better off writing a book soon. Or reading just the Bible (like I did all of the summer of 2005).
Peace out.
Posted by
9:15 AM
The Plea
Not all religions are created equal. Even using the wisdom for the wise only goes so far in exposing truth. You can preach the gospel to a stone all day and get no where. While you could preach it faithfully too in passing and God would raise up a son. God still is mysteriously incomprehensible in this. His ways are higher than ours. Yet, this 'incomprehensible' never implies that he is anything but rational and consistent.
I fall with Anselm on this one about truth. "For I do not seek to understand so I may believe; but I believe so that I may understand. For I also believe that 'unless I believe, I shall not understand'."
I go as far as the tradition of the Protestant reformers when I say, truth of the Gospel is nothing if it is apart from the depths of the heart. This is the gospel without power. I believe such truth is brought to conviction (as truth) by God, The Holy Spirit, alone during conversion. Thus faith could never be from anyone but God himself. It is miraculous. It is a conversion. It is even a work new creation from God's power to faith, granting us a spiritual nature. It is not at enmity with God. We are thus reconcilled to the Glory of God from first to last. It is by this that God takes the foolish things of this world and confounds the wise. In this, God takes the things that have no substance and brings to nothing that which does.
I say in response: God bless the soul of the wayward sinner! Sinner, repent, return for the word is near! the kingdom is at hand! God is not some rock formed by human hands. He is living and interceding before the throne. Turn and you shall see God's favor toward you made evident; God will be your ever present help! Sinner, You will be in no wise cast out! You are now, condemned by weight of the law and the horrid sin that you bear so heavily. There stands a Savior nearby who substitutes in your place and steed so that you may be accounted righteous in the Day of Judgment. You will be arrayed in the garment of His righteousness. Cover your nakedness, rid yourself of the burdens of sin, and take up the cross.
I won't lie and God often asks the impossible, even perfection itself. Who shall be left standing if God was not gracious. God has not forgotten of what stuff mankind is made of. We are but clay. God himself bore such a form on earth, yet without sin. Humble yourself and call out for grace, For God gives grace to the humble. Return you prodigical son, so that you may feast with the Father. Return to the father, poor sinner. Repent for the burden of Christ is light. It is far lighter than any salvation by works or the sin in which, you sinner are so uncontent in carrying out. Trust in Christ. You do not have to bear your sinfulness alone. Let the burden be lifted off by Christ. It is not your constant failures the keep you away, it has a root much deeper; in yourself and your iniquity. It is your rebellion against God. God will reconcile this with faith. Simply to the old wooden cross, cling. Simply come with your dreaded sin to bring. Come wayward Sinner! Have your evening turned to light. For God, himself, shall be your light.
Posted by
9:10 AM
It seems that I have finally been dragged into doing a blog. Perhaps I choose to do this so I would at least have some outlet to publish my thoughts. Perhaps to spur me into writing more of them down. The goal of this blog is somewhat ambitious. It should be nothing less than biblical. The goal is to promote love and a good conscience and a sincere faith. ( 1 Timothy 1:5)
I plan on keeping this Blog somewhat religious because many people need to get some religion. By this I don't mean head knowledge but a working knowledge.
Christianity is a unique religion. It should be cherished with its purity of beliefs. It is unlike any other religion. It is one that proclaims transformed lives for the Glory of God. It is one where Holy God himself reconciles sinful man without any expense to his justice. It is one where God is super-rational not irrational. It is one where God is super-personal not sub-personal. It is a religion of praise not of duty. It is a religion that should be practiced purely and undefiled in spirit and in truth. Not in the defile spirit earning merit though one is really a devil. Christians should be people in whom no deceit is found. We must actually LOVE God to do good works.
In fact it should even be a Christian's joy to serve God who is so honorable, so glorious, so gracious, so loving, and so wonderful. It is a religion of love and motive not good deeds and selfish regrets. It is a religion where God actively seeks the lost and brings them back into the fold. It is also a religion of brutal honesty. It is one in which sorrow and joy can flow mingled down in tears. Yet, there are glorious truths that Christianity hinges upon. There would be no Christianity if Christ didn't die upon a cross and rise from the dead on the third day according to the scriptures. There would be no Christianity without Christ himself being active, and in love interceding. There would be no Christianity without the Godhead. This shall be put forth clearly in my blog.
The glorious truths flowing from Christ's death also make their way into promises that are eternally true. "For God is not a man that he should lie nor a son of man that he should change; Has he said, and will he not do it? Has he spoken and will he not fulfill it?" (Numbers 23:19) These promises are guaranteed to be fulfilled in His past, present, and future actions toward His people.
Here is a short list:
1) God has saved us to the utmost. There is no degree in which we will be further saved that is not guaranteed already to those saved.
2) God dwells among men. Christ took on flesh and descended from his throne to take up the humble estate of man. He now intercedes. The Spirit indwells believers. God is behind all things in his gracious providence. God is not very far away from any of us. His arm is not so short that it cannot save or deliver us from our enemies.
3)God is actively for us, no one can be against us. There is no greater sign of this than his very Son upon the cross dieing on behalf of us believers.
4) God will grant an inner peace despite any of the world's difficulties.
5) God will make straight what we cannot. He will turn darkness into light.
6) God will go before us. God is our ever present help.
7) God will turn what was meant for evil into that which is meant for good.
8) God will make us Holy for He is holy. Perishable shall put on the imperishable. We shall all be changed. This occurs as we enter heaven but not only. As Thomas Watson says "Godliness is heaven on earth.". We shall also be made holy through our good works that God wills and works within us. We are his workmanship. We shall also walk the very works that he planned for us beforehand. This is above and beyond imputed righteousness by Christ's blood through faith. It is the actual righteousness as one obeys and takes up his cross. Not out of duty but out of delight.
9) God will be our Shephard and lead us. Be Guardian and protect us.
10) God will always be himself. Good, Holy, Gracious, Loving, Just, Kind, Patient, Righteous, Infinitely wise, Victorious, and Merciful.
I ask, what other religions have such glorious actions for its majestic gods to fulfill? Furthermore, What promises do they even offer. What other religions are even coherent enough in and of thyself to deliver. In my opinion there are few that even satisfy their own doctrines. Even fewer, namely one, that delivers in the area of truth.
Christianity is also unique because our total satisfaction is entirely in God himself. Number 10 in the list aught to be the most encouraging. This satisfaction in God cannot be said of other religion without ultimately dissolving man back into a primordial ooze or having man enjoy God by giving him material blessings. These things and joys are outside of God himself! What are they but rubbish! Why is it that paradise for Christianity (Heaven) has joys that more sublime than the continuous orgies and debauchery of Islam. Why is it that the Christian's eternal rest is not becoming the nothing as in the Nirvana of Buddhism but rather become everything holy that we yearn for in Christ?
This Blog should be nothing less than my joy to try to convey the truth and effects of the gospel as often as I can.
Posted by
9:09 AM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Blog This!
I have been trying to start up a blog. I had a half-hearted attempt at starting one earlier this year. At the time, I never told anyone because I was not ready to publish. (At least to anyone who knew me.) It was a work in progress.
I have since updated the previous posts and reposted some of them. More are still to come. I have some that are slated for future posting. Others still need work. A few are just too long and need to be broken into parts. These future posts include an indepth study of John 3:16 and limited atonement (6 parts). A two part study of Baptism. (Why? you may ask. Well your belief on water baptism effects what you believe about spiritual baptism and also regeneration. This must be the case because of Ephesians 4:5.) And I also have a bunch of lesser things that range from islam, catholocism, music, prophecy, experimental christianity, free will, prophecy, and the like.
Posted by
9:54 PM