Thursday, January 25, 2007

Theologian quiz

I ended up taking this quiz. I got these results:

You scored as Anselm. Anselm is the outstanding theologian of the medieval period.He sees man's primary problem as having failed to render unto God what we owe him, so God becomes man in Christ and gives God what he is due. You should read 'Cur Deus Homo?'



Karl Barth


Martin Luther


John Calvin


Jonathan Edwards


Friedrich Schleiermacher


Paul Tillich


Charles Finney


Jürgen Moltmann




Which theologian are you?
created with

Conclusion:This quiz is not that great at distinguishing between theologians. Barth certainly was Reform minded but there is no question to differentiate atonement. That means what is Barthian might be actually be reformed or calvinistic. The same could be said with Luther and Calvin. I am closer to Calvin than Luther on theology but it doesn't shows.

Finally, I do lean toward Anselm on certain things. These involve original sin and atonement. Most reformed people do to! They weren't just linked to Anselm. My final question is how did Augustine get ranked near the bottom with a Pelagrian like Charles Finney. I know where my differences lie with Augustine. They were not reflected in the questions.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Telling people about a purple sky, part II

God made us rational. He is super-rational. He put order to everything around us. The fault is not in our rational mind or will but in our perception that changes it. The sky is as purple as it is blue.

The only 'rational choice' in light of Christ and God is repenting and seeking forgiveness for our creator is both infinitely loving and abundantly gracious. If you know God as such, it aught to be a no-brainer!!! RETURN AND REPENT!!! Look for another source of rejecting the Gospel or even the goodness of God's law but the irrationalism of our fallen natures and indwelling sin. This old nature must be changed in conversion. We must be born again. We must have spiritual life because by this spiritual things are discerned.

Let's not confuse freedom with foolishness. The problem lies in our fallen state not in our will. The solution is in getting our fallen state corrected. Not in our rational will corrected! We do not sin because of our rational will alone. We sin because we are sinners and see our sin wrongly. We are not saved because of our will alone either. We are saved because God appoints us to salvation by making us see the truth from implanting a new nature. The sky is as purple as it is blue.

This leads one to ask is not Christ victorious in actually saving people? He must overcome our foolish perceptions when he applies his gospel. It is like me trying to convince you that the sky is as purple as it is blue. You may be thinking about what I am saying in passing but I REALLY mean that the sky is NOT pure blue! It is really blue and purple light mixed in EQUAL amounts!!!!! I mean it. SERIOUSLY, It is just as PURPLE as it is BLUE!!! You may be rejecting this wrongly because you perceive it wrongly. We trust too much in ourselves for truth. Yet, this is where God places truth in our souls by regeneration and conversion. We then can rightly see the glory of the cross. We can then rightly estimate the filth called sin. God commands everyone everywhere to repent.

Why should we not return home to our Father who is the one Source of all Being who graciously pardons all who come to him? To not return home is like believing the sky is just blue. It is foolishness. It is not truth. It holds no measure of truth.

The truth is that the sky is just as purple as it is blue.
If you don't believe me finally. Look Here.

"the spectrum of skylight — when analyzed — is about equal parts violet and blue."

We only see it differently as humans. Now why didn't you believe me earlier? Was it because of your free will? or did you wrongly think I was crazy to assert something so absurd. Are your eyes playing tricks on you? The same instance occurs in conversion by your old nature. We bid dead men to live. It is outside their will.

Telling people about a purple sky

It is hard to tell people the truth. It is hard to get someone to believe something that aught to already hold as fact. I can point to all the evidence and they remain unconvinced because of their own flawed/fallen view. They will hold on tightly to their mis-perception of the event. They will not see the truth.

What if I was going to tell you the sky is as purple as it is blue. You would call me colorblind. I would say that observation does not match truth. You would consider me out of my mind on this. Furthermore, I could prove to you that I am not colorblind. Then you would resort to calling me a liar, or worse, a spawn of the devil for spreading such lies. This is seen in Faith as much as it is in Science.

This is how people view things that aught not be question by reason. You can tell them the sky is purple and they will never believe you. In faith, this is similar to sharing the gospel.

You can persuade them all you want. They will just have none of it. You can bring out the textbooks or the Bible. They will remain unmoved. You can go to absurd lengths to try and convince them but they just perceive things wrongly. The sky is as purple as it is blue!!! I am now asserting this fact. The sky might as well be called Purple instead of just Blue. It is really an equal mix between these two colors.

For faith, unless God can restore one's sight they cannot and will not agree with you. How can one reject the goodness of the gospel when it is view rightly. One cannot. The Gospel far surpases any beauty and riches found elsewhere. It has no equal. It cannot be stopped by sin because Jesus died to get rid of it.

Since people do reject the Gospel, one must wonder what is altering their perceptions. It is only man's nature keeping him from the right view. This original sin will keep anyone out of heaven! Just as we see the sky is blue yet the sky is as purple as it is blue!!! Now didn't Christ die to save one from his old nature? How can this old nature with its misconceptions stop the gospel? The sky is as purple as it is blue.

The Gospel is too great to be rejected by anything. Furthermore, the original sin is the source of that wrong perception. Any rational person would accept God and Christ. Lets not get into some silly argument about 'free choice and free will'. I see it more along the lines of reason. Anything less is irrational when viewed rightly. The sky is as purple as it is blue. Perhaps you will see what I really mean in part II.